Sermons from 2021

                          December 2021

2021-12-24  So It Begins

2021-12-19  Moving with Mary’s Song

2021-12-12  Look Forward

2021-12-05  Make Ready

                          November 2021

2021-11-28  Sign of Things to Come

2021-11-21  A Wise Reign

2021-11-14  Praise the Holy One

2021-11-07  Risk and Restoration

                            October 2021

2021-10-31  Wherever You Go

2021-10-24  Take Heart

2021-10-17  Servant Leadership - Forrest Hoppe

2021-10-10  What Must I Do?

2021-10-03  Enfolding Love

                         September 2021

2021-09-26  Courage for Community - Greg Larsen

2021-09-19  First in Caring - Greg Larsen

2021-09-12  Who Are You, Jesus? - Greg Larsen

2021-09-05  Be Opened - Forrest Hoppe

                            August 2021

2021-08-29  Be love - Greg Larsen

2021-08-22  At Home with God - Greg Larsen

2021-08-15  Wisdom Quest - Greg Larsen

2021-08-08  Shaping Community - Greg Larsen

2021-08-01  Nourishment for the Long Haul

                              July 2021

2021-07-25  Navigating the Sea of Life

2021-07-18 The Once and Future Church

2021-07-11  When the Shoe Fits - Beth Wallin

2021-07-04  Healing Desire - Robert Garrels

                              June 2021

2021-06-27  Forrest Hoppe

2021-06-20  Honor Thy Father - Unavailable

2021-06-13  The Spirit of Generosity Future - Hope

2021-06-06  The Spirit of Generosity Present - Communion

                              May  2021

2021-05-30  The Spirit of Generosity Past-Gratitude

2021-05-23  Forrest Hoppe

2021-05-16  Look Both Ways - Robert Garrels

2021-05-09  Forrest Hoppe

2021-05-02  First Things First - Robert Garrels

                             April 2021

2021-04-25  What’s in a Name?

2021-04-18  Completing the Story

2021-04-11  From Fear to Purpose

2021-04-04  It Was What It Is

                             March 2021

2021-03-28  Palms and Passion

2021-03-21  Seeing Is Believing?

2021-03-14  Live Poets’ Society

2021-03-07  After the Rescue

                           February 2021

2021-02-28  Staying the Course

2021-02-21  Promises of God

2021-02-14  Glory /Transformation

2021-02-07  God Struggles with You

                           January 2021

2021-01-31  The Authority of Jesus’ Teaching

2021-01-24  Jonah! Get Thee to Nineveh

2021-01-17  So, What Is Your Vocation (Calling)?

2021-01-10  Exactly What Is, a Prophet?

2021-01-03  Let Jesus Show

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