120 S. State Street, Big Rapids, MI 49307 — Phone: (231) 527-9567 — Email: Secretary@unitedchurchbr.org — Office is open from 9 am to 1 pm
The United Church of Big Rapids
Clicking the link to a sermon will take you to the audio file on our SoundCloud page in a new tab where you can take advantage of all of the playback options. Closing the tab will take you back here.
2024-09-15 O Lord It’s Good to be Humble
2024-08-18 A Living Reminder of the Good We Fail to Do
2024-08-11 Spiritual Munchies - Soul Food
2024-08-04 I Am the Bread of Life
2024-07-21 Coming, Going and Enough
2024-07-14 Created Not for Fear
2024-06-30 Kindness and Forgiveness
2024-06-16 Walking Grandmother’s Road
2024-05-26 How Do We Honor the Dead?
2024-05-19 The Harvest of Souls
2024-04-28 Trimming the Dead Wood
2024-04-21 Breakfast on the Beach
2024-04-07 How the Grinch Stole Easter
2024-03-31 Be the Resurrection
2024-02-25 The Power of Curiosity
2024-02-18 The Love of My Life
2024-02-04 Rev. Robert Garrels
2024-01-21 Boundless, Extravagant, Unending Love
2024-01-14 No Church - Inclement Weather
Sermons from
previous years