120 S. State Street, Big Rapids, MI 49307 — Phone: (231) 527-9567 — Email: Secretary@unitedchurchbr.org — Office is open from 9 am to 1 pm
The United Church of Big Rapids
Clicking the link to a sermon will take you to the audio file on our SoundCloud page in a new tab where you can take advantage of all of the playback options. Closing the tab will take you back here.
2025-03-09 Resisting the Wilderness
2025-03-05 Taking Time to Look Inward
2025-03-02 A Love that Endures
2025-02-16 Identity Crisis: A Level Playing Field
2025-02-09 Identity Crisis: Different Reults
2025-02-02 Identity Crisis: A Noisy Gong
2025-01-26 The Bringers of Good News!
2025-01-19 Identity Crisis: A Variety of Gifts
2025-01-12 Identity Crisis: We Are Chosen
2025-01-05 Showing Out vs. Showing Up
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Sermons from
previous years